Friday, June 06, 2008

T2D for the weekend (June 7-8)

[Ok...before anything else T2D stands for "Things to Do" has been my practice to always jot down the things that I am suppose to do. At least at this point, I have some sort of schedule to follow. ]
  1. Fix blog ( that I have a blog this has changed from 'plan blog')
  2. Organize finances bills (yes...i have that many bills to pay - thanks to credit cards, whew!)
  3. Fix Closet
  4. Clean Drawers
  5. Organize Bags (I am a bag fanatic)
  6. Watch Series
    1. Chuck
    2. IT Crowd
  7. Spa
    1. Foot Spa
    2. Hair Spa
    3. Body Scrub
  8. Have a hair cut
  9. Gym - Power Cycle and Hip Hop Abs
  10. Some relaxation and contemplation.
I know, I the heck will I be able to fit all these in the weekend? I can't. But it's always worth a try.

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