Friday, June 27, 2008


If you remember my post about my new office crush and how hot he was while drinking...I think he knows that I have a thing for him. (Jeezz..I don't want that...really, I don't)

Today, about 10 minutes ago...he walked pass me to get water. He drank a gulp (with that oh so manly, oh so hot gulp) and looked at me.

I almost died!


Reality check...I'm sure he looked at me not because he was teasing me, or trying to look hot for me. Rather, he was doing it because he felt that I was looking at him. You know, the feeling that someone is looking at you that's why you look at them. (I tried to make it look like I'm thinking and not really looking at him -- GAWD! I was so embarrased!) Anyway, I'm sure for him its just nothing.

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