Monday, April 26, 2010

Fighting the number!

I have managed to go to the weighing scale and find my weight. Currently, I am at 330lbs. Yes I am that obese, and I am targeting to loose 100 - 150 pounds in 365 days. Dreamer much? I know, but lets take things one step at a time. I am here to shoot for the stars!

I plan to not eat rice for dinner (and as much as possible lunch too, depends on where we eat). Lessen drinks that are colored and has taste and are cold, which means I get to drink only room temp water as much as possible.

I also plan to bike (in a stationary bike of course) at least 30mins every morning.

These are the initials plans that I have, but first I have yet to start this and stay on a regimen for the first 21 days. Yes, I read somewhere that all it takes is 21 days to get into something.
So, I am hoping against hope that I will get through this.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

surprise, surprise

I am back! Yes, I know, this might be just one of those things that you are good at during the start but then laziness and things to do kicks in; and time for writing just becomes the least priority.

So baby steps... Here are the things that I would want to share with in my journey of life.
1. My battle against losing weight and being healthy. As I have written sparingly, I am diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD or PCOS). And it has been my weight that can help me live or even simulate a normal life. I know that because of this disease that I have, I will never live a normal life that women are suppose to. (More sad and depressing stories coming your way regarding this. Just my angst and insecurities, hahaha)

2. My battle against credit card debt. I don't know what happened to me but I managed to acquire this huge debt on my credit cards. I don't blame anyone on this. I know that I swiped my way through this debt and I am as ever determined to win this battle. You'll be surprised as to how much money I owe the banks!

3. I have this illusion of being able to write well. So this may be a testament or something that can be used against me when discussing about my ability to write. I would just like to create profound statements or those quotable quotes that I can use later on life. If I remember correctly, there was some posts long long ago about quotes that I used to like. This would also mean that I would write about my life, my family and friends, my travel - my journey. This gives me the space to vent out whatever comments or opinions I have about anything under the sun.

So good luck to me once again!

Monday, April 19, 2010

hello world...NOT

I'm back again.... I just read my last post which was 2009 (actually, it was the first and only post for that year) and reasserted that I was I such a failure! Hence, the title of this post. I feel like when I say hello to the world (world wide web that is), it will just give me that look of "you're back and you are just wasting space, memory and cache".

I promised my previous post that I will start brand new... resurrect my blog, vent out my feelings, fix my health problems. But none of those actually materialize.

I will take baby steps from now on. Let's see when will my next post be?