Tuesday, April 20, 2010

surprise, surprise

I am back! Yes, I know, this might be just one of those things that you are good at during the start but then laziness and things to do kicks in; and time for writing just becomes the least priority.

So baby steps... Here are the things that I would want to share with in my journey of life.
1. My battle against losing weight and being healthy. As I have written sparingly, I am diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD or PCOS). And it has been my weight that can help me live or even simulate a normal life. I know that because of this disease that I have, I will never live a normal life that women are suppose to. (More sad and depressing stories coming your way regarding this. Just my angst and insecurities, hahaha)

2. My battle against credit card debt. I don't know what happened to me but I managed to acquire this huge debt on my credit cards. I don't blame anyone on this. I know that I swiped my way through this debt and I am as ever determined to win this battle. You'll be surprised as to how much money I owe the banks!

3. I have this illusion of being able to write well. So this may be a testament or something that can be used against me when discussing about my ability to write. I would just like to create profound statements or those quotable quotes that I can use later on life. If I remember correctly, there was some posts long long ago about quotes that I used to like. This would also mean that I would write about my life, my family and friends, my travel - my journey. This gives me the space to vent out whatever comments or opinions I have about anything under the sun.

So good luck to me once again!

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